Ground Support Products

Made In Texas by Texans



Slim Gem

Fat Boy

Super Fat Boy

Ejection Charge

EZ Canisters:

EZ Small w/Starter

EZ Large w/Starter

Pyrogen Kits:

All of the pyrogen kits below can be shipped to Canada.


Conductive Hot Shot Mix

NEW PRODUCT …. Conductive Starter Mix


Resistance Wire:

The items below can be shipped to Canada.

30 AWG

36 AWG

Igniter Kits:



DVD with QuickDip Special

Launch Controls:

The items Below can be shipped to Canada.


Cluster Buster


Order ProCast Now

A more efficient way to start your motors.

Payment Options Available:

PayPal ?

QuickBurst uses a PayPal shopping cart, this enables us to accept your credit cards or direct pay from your Paypal account.

PayPal Invoice ?

We can also send you a PayPal Invoice via e-mail.  All you have to do is email me a list of what you need, I’ll do the rest.  You do not have to be a member of PayPal to use the service.

To send me an email click here.

Use The Mail Order Form

Send me a list of what you need via e-mail and I’ll return a quote.  From there you can send a check or money order made out to “David Bachelder” and addressed as shown below.  You can always use the shopping cart to calculate your total.

David Bachelder
1222 Sportsman Drive
Trinity, Texas 75862