Made In Texas by Texans
ProCast 14 & 28 Gram Gram Bottle
This product can be shipped to Canada.
ProCast comes as a 7, 14 or 28 gram mix kit, the 7 gram kit sells for $22.50, 14 gram kit sells for $37.50.00 per kit and the 28 gram kit sells for $67.50 The kits ships Continental US via USPS Limited Quantity. We can also ship to Canada via FedEx. Canadian customers will need to ask for a quote, either call me or email. There are no HazMat Fees.
A very Special thanks to John DeMar for the hours of work he put into the development of ProCast. It couldn’t have happened without him.
The New 7 Gram Kit
This is a 7 Gram version of the ProCast 14 & 28 gram kits. Proof that good things come in small packages. This kit is aimed at the Black Powder motor group that need to enhance existing OEM motor starters. Just a bit on the tip of the starter will turn the OEM starters into Super Starters, without breaking the bank. Our calculations show that you can enhance about 300 or more OEM Starters with this product. You will also have the option of using it to make small starters for any small motor whether it’s Black Powder or Composite. It will also increase the chances of lighting Clustered Motors. No need to remove the goop on the end of the existing starter (doing this may jeopardize the resistance wire used to ignite the goop) just dip it into the mix and set out to dry. When clustering be sure to ground test. Make sure your project has the best chance of success.
ProCast In Action
ProCast Results
ProCast will come to you as a kit, you will need to mix the ingredients and Cast or Dip your Starters. Please read the information below carefully. The kit will yield twelve grams of finished product. Mixing the kit is very simple, just follow the directions included. If you lose your direction page I will keep one available here on my site. The link to the Documentation Page is provided above. ProCast can be cast into any shape desired. Use Acetone resistant plastics for molds. I have had success using plastic soda straws. Hold the straw up right and poke an open end into the mix. When you have reached the desired size simply cut it off. The casting can also be cut into nice sized pellets. Never use ProCast outside of the manufacturers intended use.
ProCast Pyrogen is based on the motor-starter formulation used in most professional solid rocket motors today: boron/potassium nitrate (BKNO3). Per gram, it has at least two times the heat output and gas generation of typical pyrogens used in hobby rocketry and amateur rocketry.
The commercial and military types of BKNO3 are formed as pressed pellets manufactured with remotely-operated equipment using a minimal amount of nitrocellulose resin (NC) as a binder. The process is unsafe for the hobbyist to try without investing in the necessary equipment and understanding the risks. In addition, the final product with NC binder is dry and brittle, and too large to use in smaller rocket motors.
ProCast Pyrogen was developed by John DeMar as an alternative to pressed pellets. This high-performance pyrogen uses uncured Viton™ as the binder. Viton™ is a fluoroelastomer which forms a rubbery solid to hold together the BKNO3 powdered ingredients. Dissolved and diluted in acetone, the resulting paste allows dipping the pyrogen for smaller motors or casting pellets for larger motors. In addition to making the pyrogen less sensitive to mix and use, Viton™ provides additional energy to the motor starter: it contains 66% fluorine which is released in the reaction. The reaction products contain more heat, more hot liquids, and more gas per gram to pressurize the motor.
Other advantages of ProCast Pyrogen: it works over a wide range of temperatures and pressures; it is less sensitive to static discharge and friction; and it will start using e-matches, conductive bridges, and nichrome starters.
The boron powder provided with the ProCast Pyrogen kit is a mil-spec, high-purity form of amorphous boron with a very small particle size. Typical boron powder or boron crystals will not perform well as a pyrogen ingredient. Likewise, the Viton™ must be in the raw/uncured form and not the cured/vulcanized form used in Viton™ o-rings and gaskets. QuickBurst has procured the necessary high quality bulk ingredients that are otherwise not accessible in small quantities to rocketry hobbyists.
ProCast Pyrogen is 2 to 3 times more efficient than common pyrogens used in hobby and amateur rocketry. Be careful not to oversize ProCast dipped starters or pellets!
The amount of ProCast Pyrogen and its shape depend on both the motor’s core diameter and length.
D = ID of the motor core at the top grain, in inches.
L = the length of the motor’s propellant core, in inches
P = the desired pressure developed in the core, in PSI (typically use 200-300 PSI).
W = the “impetus” (ability to generate gas) of the pyrogen, in PSI-in3/gram. Use 5000 for ProCast Pyrogen for inches cubed. PSI-in^3/gram.
M = mass of the pyrogen, in grams.
S = size of the pyrogen surface length, in inches (for dipped motor starters).
N = number of pellets (for pellet basket motor starters).
1) Find the core volume: V = π * D2/4 * L (in3)
2) Find the pyrogen mass: M = V * P / W (grams)
3) Find the pyrogen size for dipped starters or the number of pellets for basket-type starters:
S = D * 1.5 (pyrogen length in inches for dipped starters, or length of the pellet basket)
N = M / p (p is the mass per pellet: p=0.42g for ¼” pellets or p=1.43g for 3/8” pellets
From My Customers:
For my L1 Cert flight I chose an AT H238 in a 29/180 case. Setup the LOC 4″ Goblin on the pad and install the igniter that came with the motor. Continuity checked, count down, push button and nothing…. Now continuity shows open.
Go back to pad and remove the igniter. There is a chunk of pyrogen missing.
Grab a ProCast igniter and since the H238 has a big nozzle and largish volume I twisted the ProCast igniter leads with the AT igniter leads and inserted into motor. The pyrogens of the two touching and with both to have enough pyrogen to pressurize the motor.
Back to LCO, good continuity, count down and motor lit in less than a second after pushing button.
Yes, did pass the L1 cert. 956 feet apogee, motor eject recovery (KISS), with the wind landed 1500 feet down range in tall grass. An eggtimer Quark and Eggfinder GPS min flew on capped coupler tubes tied to the shock cord. Good thing the GPS was there since the rocket was very hard to see in the tall grass, I was about 20 feet away before I saw it.
Yes, ProCast kit is nice and even the smaller kit makes a lot of ignites. If it dries then easy to add acetone to get it back to a slurry for dipping.
For small motors like the Qjets, I use 28ga wire-wrap wire and 34Ga nichrome then dip. These are small enough to fit into the Qjet nozzles and have always light the motor.
For Air-starting APCP, I use the 24ga ‘shooter’ wire (MJG Ematch wire) with 40ga nichrome then dip. The Eggtimers with 2s LiPo fire these very quick and the ProCast always gets the motor going.
I do make igniters with different amounts of ProCast on them. I do one dip of thinner Procat for motors with small nozzles and multiple dips and/or thicker Procast for larger nozzles.
I’ve given away a number of these igniters at club launch when an AT igniter failed to get a motor lit. The ProCast ones always lit the motor.
Do not use this product outside of the manufacturers intended use.
ProCast Intended Use as defined by the manufacturer – ProCast is designed to be used for starting Amateur (hobby) Rocket Motors only, any other use is outside of the manufacturers Intended Use