Welcome to QuickBurst

Ground Support Products

ProCast, Hot Shot Conductive Mix, Conductive Starter Mix, And QuickDip, Ejection Charge Starters, EZ Canisters Nickle Chromium Resistance Wire and  Igniter Kits.

Launch Controls

The Cluster Buster, Nova II and The Super NOVA 2 and Super NOVA 4

Calling Customer Service:


Feel free to call with any questions or concerns.  If you call and I don’t answer please leave a message and a call back number.  If my phone rings and I don’t recognize the number I usually don’t answer.  This is because of the many, many Robot Calls I get.  I have found that not answering them is the most efficient way to get rid of them.


All of my Mix Kit Procedures as .PDF Files.  Now you can download the Mixing Procedures that have been damaged or lost as PDF Files.

See: http://quickburst.net/qb/mix-kit-procedures-as-pdf-files/


Do not use these products outside of the manufacturers intended use.

These products are intend for use in Model Rocketry, any other use is outside of the manufacturers intended use, and we will not be held responsible for any injury or property damage to the end user.